Sunday, June 15, 2008

Camino Routine

We usually arise at 6am, sometimes to some rousting music, to get the pilgrims on the road, and always to crackling plastic bags, and the zipping and rustling of sleeping bags. At the same time, the keeners who have been up since 5:30am are packing up, grabbing walking sticks, eating, drinking, and slamming the bathroom door, while the others, still wearing earplugs, are trying to get the last few minutes of sleep in before being turned out.
Sometimes you can eat in the albergue, food that you've purchased the night before, or wait until, you reach the next village and have coffee con leche with bread, butter and jam. Then it's walking until the afternoon, with stops in small village bars on the way for drinks and something to eat. Most people arrive at the albergue by early afternoon, pay 5 or so euros, get your passport stamped, if possible, quickly choose a lower bunk bed against a wall, shower, wash your socks, have a nap, find the closest bar for food, use the internet, if there is one and then brush your teeth, put in earplugs and go to sleep at 10pm, In the morning it starts all over again,
You make sure that you have your rain gear, your sun hat, sunscreen,your map, water and some food, then off you go again and it starts all over again. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalk,Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalk,Waaaaaaaaaaaaaalk.


Lois said...


Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I think of you often
and can only imagine what courage your journey takes. I will look forward to seeing your photos.


Barb said...

I accept that you are one awesome person for doing thsi
Barb from Hooking

ruth said...

Dear Lois,
Thank you for the encouraging words. Today I was sitting looking up to the sky, saw a jet stream and wished I was on the jet.

Dear Barb,
Thank you Barb. I sometimes think that I'm a bit crazy doing this walk. It's great to hear from you. How's the hooking?